Monday, August 16, 2010

Any obligations to a realtor if I found and buy FSBO (for sale by owner)?

My wife and I are looking for a home. I contacted today the realtor I want to go through but haven't signed any commitment to the realtor. Just now my wife and I drove by and found a FSBO that we're very interested in. If and when I do sign this, what's my obligation to the realtor if I purchase an FSBO? What is a realtor's role typically in a FSBO? Thanks. . . .Any obligations to a realtor if I found and buy FSBO (for sale by owner)?
You owe the realtor nothing since you have no contract and they didn't find this house for you. I would imagine the sellers are going to want you to bypass the realtor and just use a lawyer to draw up contracts and such in order to keep the price of the home lower.Any obligations to a realtor if I found and buy FSBO (for sale by owner)?
You don't need a realtor for a fisbo. You will need a good escrow compnay and a realestate lawyer. The agent will want a %. You can sigh with an agent and exclude the fisbo, but he/she will try to talk you out of it as there is no comission for them.
You owe your realtor a nice explanation and maybe lunch. It is not their fault that you found an FSBO. The realtor will have no place in this transaction.
you have no obligation to the realtor, but he might be use full to negotiate price, and make sure that home has a clean tittle

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